Here is an alignment for your files. (or administrators!) Fourth Grade Lessons Weekly Alignment to NGSS
Links checked on 10/8/24. Click "More" on the top of the page and go to the contact page to let me know if you come across a link that has been deleted or no longer exists.
** NEW ** Thematic Playlists for Listening Centers or to develop a unit with. Students love these stories. These are great for ESL or to expand background knowledge for poverty at risk students, as well. For older students you can use them as an anticipatory set for close reads. (Students look closely at the picture clues to make predictions. or go back and look and see if there were hints or signs.) Or, they are great to start writing prompts.
St. Patrick's Day Stories Easter Stories
Winter Stories There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a..... Stories
Valentine's Stories Bullying Stories
Links checked on 10/8/24. Click "More" on the top of the page and go to the contact page to let me know if you come across a link that has been deleted or no longer exists.
** NEW ** Thematic Playlists for Listening Centers or to develop a unit with. Students love these stories. These are great for ESL or to expand background knowledge for poverty at risk students, as well. For older students you can use them as an anticipatory set for close reads. (Students look closely at the picture clues to make predictions. or go back and look and see if there were hints or signs.) Or, they are great to start writing prompts.
St. Patrick's Day Stories Easter Stories
Winter Stories There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a..... Stories
Valentine's Stories Bullying Stories
You will notice routines in place as you teach. Tips for teaching these lessons are noted at the bottom of the page.
** Student Page Links- Waiting for the class to type in a link can be quite a hassle. Here is a page to have the class bookmark, so they can click on the "kid link" as you come to it. You can also give the link to parents.
Week 1
**Supplies: Handouts; Pretest/Post-test; Activity #1 Flour, Salt, Water for fossil activity Activity #2 peanut butter, jelly, and graham crackers for Sedimentary Rock model.; Print Quizlet Flashcards.
Student Objective: Students will be able to describe how landscape changes over time due to weathering.
4.ESS1.1 Identify evidence from patterns in rock formations and fossils in rock layers to support an explanation for changes in landscape over time.
Essential Question: How do rocks and fossils form over time? How does landscape change over time?
Monday- Pre-Test; Introduce Fossils; Watch Magic School Bus and the Busasaurus, *Flashcards with partner, Discuss- Ask class, "How do rocks and fossils form over time?"
Tuesday- Close Read on Fossils, (Handout) Activity #1- Create Fossils; Ask class, "How do rocks and fossils form over time?"; writing connection- (Handout) Homework- "How are Fossils Formed Over Time?"
Wednesday- Introduce the Rock Cycle, We will Rock You, (handout) draw a diagram of the Rock Cycle, Watch Video #1 and Video #2. Discuss what students noticed. (Handout) Create a model of how sedimentary rock is formed with graham crackers, peanut butter, and jelly. Ask class, "How do rocks form over time?". (Handout) Homework- Write about how sedimentary rock is formed. Click--> Sample Model
Thursday- Watch video demonstrating landscape changes. Changes in Earth and Erosion demonstrating how landscape changes over time. Partners- talk to your partner about changes that they noticed and share out to the group. *Review for Test-Work with partners on flashcards, match, or Test Practice. Ask class, "How does landscape change over time?"
Friday- Test on Rocks and Fossils (in handouts)
*Practice Each Day if time (Test Prep)- Rocks and Fossils
Week 2
**Supplies: Weathering Handouts, Pretest/Post-test; Experiments-Clear plastic rectangular container, sand, water, plastic sheet paper, stones, straw, small stick to make river, funnel, tray, water spray bottle, sticks or toothpicks, butterscotch and soft peppermint candy for each student; print Quizlet Flashcards.
Student Objective: Students will be able to describe how landscape changes over time due to weathering.
4.ESS2.1 Make observations and/or measurements to provide evidence of the effects of weathering or the rate of erosion by water, ice wind, or vegetation.
Essential Question: How does landscape change over time?
Monday- Pre-Test, Introduce Weathering; Watch Magic School Bus Rock and Roll; Introduce Weathering Song with Lyrics, Do investigation and student handout with the ocean. Draw Before/After pictures and discuss results. Ask class, "How does landscape change over time? (Erosion Experiment <--Video for teacher to watch for investigation. Do one part for each day. Stop at 2:01} *Partner/Flashcards
Tuesday- Weathering Song with Lyrics, Do investigation and wind handout. (Erosion Experiment <--teacher views the video. The wind starts at 2:01) Draw Before/After pictures, Discuss results. Ask class, "How does landscape change over time?" *Partner/Play Scatter-Try to beat each partner's score.
Wednesday- Weathering Song with Lyrics, Do investigation and handout. (Erosion Experiment <--teacher views the video. The river starts at 3:40) Draw Before/After pictures, Discuss results. Ask class, "How does landscape change over time? *Partner/Play Scatter-Try to beat each partner's score.
Thursday- Weathering Song with Lyrics, Do two investigation and handout. (Erosion Experiment <--teacher views the video. The mountain/rain without trees starts at 5:25/adding trees starts at 6:58) Mountain/Rain. Draw Before/After pictures, Discuss results. Ask class, "How does landscape change over time?" *Practice "Test" for review practice..
Friday- Weathering Song with Lyrics,, Do Erosion Candy Experiment (handout). The purpose of the candy experiment is to help students remember what "erode" or "erosion" means. I use the words a lot during this investigation.. Pass out candy erosion handout and the butterscotch and/or peppermint. Students will draw a model of their butterscotch and/or peppermint "before" picture on their handout. Let them suck on their candy while they are reviewing for their test on Quizlet. After two minutes, they will draw their candies and label them. (The soft peppermint erodes faster.) Let them continue working. After another 2 minutes they will draw and label their candies (four minutes). If you are doing both candies per student, then repeat. Let students talk to a partner about what they noticed. Students will write what they noticed and wondered at the bottom of the handout. Have the partners discuss the questions at the top of the handout to generalize what they've learned from the combination of experiments from the week. Review Test on Quizlet; Take Test (in handout)
*Practice Each Day-Flashcards, Match, or Practice test on Erosion
Week 3
**Supplies: Renewable and Non-renewable energy handouts. Cardboard box with lid for each student (3" ), clear plastic wrap, aluminum foil, black paper, tape, stick or pencil, scissors, graham crackers, jumbo marshmallows, chocolate; print Quizlet non-renewable cards & renewable cards.
Student Objective: Students will be able to describe how energy and fuels come from natural resources and how using them affects the environment.
4.ESS3.1 Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural resources and their uses affect the environment.
Essential Question: How do energy and fuels come from natural resources? How does using energy and fuels affect the environment?
Monday- Pre-Test, Song- Renewable Energy with lyrics, Explore Energy Games, share things you learned. *Practice Flashcards with a partner on renewable energy and non-renewable energy. Ask class, "How do energy and fuels come from natural resources?" and "How does using energy and fuels affect the environment?"
Tuesday- Song- Renewable Energy with lyrics, Bill Nye Renewable and Non-renewable resources, Ask class, How do energy and fuels come from natural resources?" and "How does using energy and fuels affect the environment" *Practice Scatter with a partner-try to beat partner's score on renewable energy.
Wednesday- Song-Renewable Energy with lyrics, Pass out handout. Show videos on Solar Energy, Hydroelectric Energy, and Turbo-energy Wind; Watch videos and draw pictures to demonstrate each renewable energy source., discuss, *Practice Scatter with a partner-try to beat partner's score on non-renewable energy. Ask class, "How do energy and fuels come from natural resources?" and "How does using energy and fuels affect the environment?"
Thursday- Song-Renewable Energy with lyrics, (handout) Science Experiment- Creating Solar S'mores; *Practice "Test" to review for Test. Ask class, "How do energy and fuels come from natural resources?" and "How does using energy and fuels affect the environment?"
Friday- Song-Renewable Energy with lyrics, Review for Test- Practice Test on Renewable and Non-renewable Energy. Ask class, "How do energy and fuels come from natural resources?" and "How does using energy and fuels affect the environment?" Give Test. (in handout)
*Practice Each Day- Non-Renewable Practice & Renewable Energy Practice.
Week 4 Weeks 4 & 5 updated handouts are under "my purchases" on your TPT.
**Supplies: Handouts; Set up a Classroom Canvesterar or Padlet to have group or individual posters for presentations, (They have free trials.)
Student Objective: Students will learn about natural disasters, then discover and explore solutions to reduce the impacts of Earth's natural processes on humans.
4.ESS3.2 Generate and compare multiple solutions to reduce the impacts of natural Earth processes on humans.
Essential Question: How can people prepare for Earth's natural processes?
Monday- Pass out page 1 & 2. While exploring this week and Monday and Tuesday next week, students will gather ideas and take notes in their handouts. Play video 1. Ask class at the end, "What was the problem in this video?" The baby keeps flooding the bathroom. Ask, "When there is a problem, what do people do?" They try solutions until they find something that works. Play video 2. Ask, "What was the solution to their problem?" They found that baby Michael had flushed a spoon into the toilet. Their solution was to install a toilet that flushed on the top. Baby Michael looked all around for a way to flush it. Picture of installed toilet <-- Click. Play video 3. Give students a chance to talk to a partner about the solution and how it might help the community. Play video 4 & video 5. Class will take notes. After videos, they will share what they wrote with a partner. Read with a partner and do the quiz together. Start Disaster Master.
Tuesday- Play video 1. Ask class at the end, "What was the problem in this video?" Tell the class to watch the next video and write down ways that they tried to solve the problem. Play video 2. Class will take notes. After videos, they will share what they wrote with a partner. Do Disaster Master or explore PBS Earthquakes for Kids, if time.
Wednesday- Play video 1. Ask class at the end, "What was the problem in this video?" Tell the class to watch the next video and write down ways that they tried to solve the problem. Play video 2. Class will take notes. After videos, they will share what they wrote with a partner. Do Disaster Master and explore Tornadoes, if time.
Thursday- Play video 1. Ask class at the end, "What was the problem in this video?" Tell the class to watch the next video and write down ways that they tried to solve the problem. Play video 2. Class will take notes. After videos, they will share what they wrote with a partner. Do Hurricane Simulator or play Create-a-Cane with a partner, if time.
Friday- Play video 1. Ask class at the end, "What was the problem in this video?" Tell the class to watch the next video and write down ways that they tried to solve the problem. Play video 2. Class will take notes. After videos, they will share what they wrote with a partner. Start Glogs. (Class Posters are an alternative to making Glogs) Pass out Glog rubric or create classroom rubric together for Glogs and presentations. Help students get acclimated to their glogsters. Students will create a Canvestera, Padlet, or poster on preparing for natural disasters to reduce the impacts of natural Earth processes on humans. They can look through their booklet and notes and select a disaster and create a plan with a title, illustrations, descriptions, and labels.
Week 5
Supplies: See Week 4
Student Objective: Students will learn about natural disasters, then discover and explore solutions to reduce the impacts of Earth's natural processes on humans.
4.ESS3.2 Generate and compare multiple solutions to reduce the impacts of natural Earth processes on humans.
Essential Question: How can people prepare for Earth's natural processes?
Monday- Play video 1. Ask class at the end, "What was the problem in this video?" Tell the class to watch the next video and write down ways that they tried to solve the problem. Play video 2. Class will take notes. After videos, they will share what they wrote with a partner. Students will work on electronic or posterboard posters.
Tuesday- Play video 1. Ask class at the end, "What was the problem in this video?" Tell the class to watch the next video and write down ways that they tried to solve the problem. Play video 2. Class will take notes. After videos, they will share what they wrote with a partner. Students will work on electronic or posterboard posters.
Wednesday- Finish on electronic or posterboard posters and practice presentations with partner.. p. 15 Students fill out feedback form for partner.
Thursday- Presentations, use rubric. p. 16 (print one per student)
Friday- Presentations, use rubric. p. 16 Play video. Assessment: Write an Emergency Plan- p. 17
Week 6
Supplies-Pet Rock Handouts; a large rock for each group; items to decorate rock with (pipe cleaners, wiggly eyes, glitter, paint, construction paper, feathers, buttons, scissors, glue, etc.
.Student Objective: Students will construct a rubric and research, design, and construct a habitat for a class pet. Students will brainstorm problems with their first prototype and design and construct an improved habitat.
3-5.ETS1.1 Define a simple design problem reflecting a need or a want that includes specified criteria for success and constraints on materials, time or cost. (build a habitat for classroom pet)
3-5.ETS1.2 Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem based on how well each is likely to meet the criteria and constraints of the problem. (test design using criteria and come up with solutions to problem solve)
Essential Question: How can we design, engineer, and build a cost-effective habitat where our pet rock can thrive?
Monday- Post the essential question and draw students to answer question throughout the week. (Handout pages 1-4) Prototype 1- Design a pet rock using only the supplies that are out. Get into groups of 3-5 students. Students will critique each other's rock designs. They can write 1) what they like & 2) what they are concerned about. They can talk about which features they like like the best. They will select their roles in the group and design a prototype 2, drawing on their ideas from prototype 1.
Tuesday- (Handout pages 5-6) Get into groups (7 minutes) Decide on a name for the pet rock and have students talk about what their pet rock is like. (handout) Write a story (individual) about the pet rock using ideas that the group discussed. Share stories. Play "Where do I Live?", if time.
Wednesday- (Handout pages 7-8) Get into groups. (Handout) Put together research about the pet rocks and how to take care of their pet. If there is extra time, play habitat match game.
Thursday- (Handout page 9-10) Get into groups. Decide what the habitats will need & each student will design a habitat on their own. The groups will get back together and provide feedback to each other. (Prototype 1) Play Jungle Jeopardy, if there is extra time.
Friday- (Handout page 11 & 12) Get into groups and discuss to combine the best parts of everyone's prototype. The writer/artist will design prototype 2 based on group input. Then make a list of supplies. Explore Biomes, if time.
Week 7
Supplies-See Week 6
Student Objective: Students will plan an improved prototype, construct, and test their design.
3-5.ETS1.3 Plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are controlled and failure points are considered to identify aspects of a model or prototype that can be improved. (engineer and redesign new and improved prototype)
Essential Question: How can we design, engineer, and construct an improved successful prototype habitat?
Monday- Using their group design, students will construct pet rock habitats.
Tuesday- Create a group presentation for the class. page 13
Wednesday- Do group presentations. (Sample Rubric p. 14)
Thursday- Get into groups. Evaluate any problems with the rock habitats. p. 15; Design final prototype. p. 16; Do page 17.
Friday- Make improvements to the habitats. Present to class the improvements. If time make an create an ecosystem..
Week 8
Supplies: Pangaea/Continental Drift Handouts, crayons; print Quizlet flashcards.
Student Objective: Students will be able to understand Pangaea by exploring and constructing Pangaea through guided hands-on and online practice.
4.ESS2.2 Analyze and interpret data from maps to describe patterns of Earth's features.
Essential Questions: What evidence is there of Pangaea?
(Just an FYI: Two years ago when I went to the Next Generation Science website, studying Pangaea was one of the things that they kept using as an example.)
Monday- (handout) Pre-Test on Pangaea; Review Landforms (3rd grade NGSS). Students name landforms at the end. Do pages 3 & 4 with following videos. Crash Course on Landforms & Change in Scenery; *Practice flash cards on Pangaea with a partner.
Tuesday- Watch videos on Plate Tectonics & Continental Drift. Turn to your partner and discuss what you noticed and how plate tectonics change landforms. Show video on Pangaea and projections.. Do pages 5 & 6. *Practice Match with a partner.
Wednesday- Create a Flip Book to understand Pangaea and Continental Divide. Pages 7-10. Need crayons. *Practice Match with a partner, if time.
Thursday- Play Try the Pangea Gizmo!, Complete Timeline. Do pages 11 & 12.
Friday- Review using the match and Take test on Pangaea. (handout) Or, take test and watch Ice Age: Continental Drift. All free versions are taken down. It is available on Hulu, Starz, Amazon, Youtube, and many other platforms where you might already have a subscription. It does keep changing. 1 hour 27 min.
*Practice each day- Pangaea
Week 9
Supplies: Topographic Map handout, clay, ruler, construction paper (different colors), scissors, glue, pencils, cardboard, dental floss, copy paper: Option: Clay recipe in handout. If you are making your own clay, you also need flour, salt, water, cream of tarter, vegetable oil, food coloring (optional)
Student Objective: Students will be able to build a topographic map.
4.ESS2.2 Analyze and interpret data from maps to describe patterns of Earth's features.
Essential Questions: How do you build a topographic map?
Monday- Watch Video 1, Video 2, & Topography video, do close read on Non-fiction selection on Topographic Map, and do page 1. *Practice topographic map flashcards with a partner.
Tuesday- Show video and explain that we are going to make a topographical map. Do pages 2 -4. Students will be in groups of three. Create a topographical model project.
Wednesday- Pass out the copy paper and let students create a 2-D map from their 3-D model project. Play Match with a partner. Explore geography map games.
Thursday- Pass out p. 5 feedback forms. Work on group presentations. Create a rubric together or use the sample rubric in the handout. Give to students to use while practicing their presentations.
Friday- Class presentations. If time, with a partner, see who can get 100% on the online interactive first. Explore geography map games.
Teaching tips for using these lessons.
1st Note: There are "Quizlet" practices set up at the end of many of the weeks. They include Flashcards, Printable flashcards, Scatter, Race, and Test. For the Test Practice I recommend unchecking the "written" option. It is hard for students to phrase answers exactly. You have the option of printing the test as well. The flashcards on Quizlet may be printed and sent home to study on Mondays.
2nd Note: There are many opportunities to teach Reading Informational Goals during reading portions of these units. One of my favorite ways is to use "Thieves". Another favorite strategy is to do a close read. I make a chart and label "I notice" and "I wonder" on it. Then I have the students select two things that they noticed to write on two separate post its. They write one thing they wonder on another post it. Then, they place them on the chart in the correct section. I have the students come up and read what they wrote when everyone is finished so that we can learn from each other.
3rd Note: The essential question is based on the Next Generation Science Standard. If you post the essential question in the room and ask it over and over again through the week, then you'll be hitting the NGSS hard.
4th Note: I probably don't have to say feel free to improvise. I know you will. Another thing that I do is I'll put a chart paper in the room and have the students add ideas to it as we go. ie If I ask the essential question and I don't get much response, I'll say to add it to the chart if you think of one as we go.