Here is an alignment for your files. (or administrators!) Fourth Grade Lessons Weekly Alignment to NGSS
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** NEW ** Thematic Playlists for Listening Centers or to develop a unit with. Students love these stories. These are great for ESL or to expand background knowledge for poverty at risk students, as well. For older students you can use them as an anticipatory set for close reads. (Students look closely at the picture clues to make predictions. or go back and look and see if there were hints or signs.) Or, they are great to start writing prompts.
St. Patrick's Day Stories Easter Stories
Winter Stories There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a..... Stories
Valentine's Stories Bullying Stories
You will notice routines in place as you teach. Tips for teaching these lessons are noted at the bottom of the page.
** Student Page Links- Waiting for the class to type in a link can be quite a hassle. Here is a page to have the class bookmark, so they can click on the "kid link" as you come to it. You can also give the link to parents.
Week 10
**Supplies: Sound Energy Handout and Sound Waves Handout. #1 plastic cups, kite string, paper clips, a pen to make holes. (Tuesday) #2 pipe cleaners (Thursday) #3 bowl, saran cling wrap, sprinkles/crystals/salt. (Friday), Quizlet Terms
Student Objective: Students will develop a model of waves and be able to describe patterns in amplitude and wavelength that waves can cause objects to move.
Student Objective: Students will provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound.
4.PS4.1 Develop a model of waves to describe patterns in terms of amplitude and wavelength and that waves can cause objects to move.
4.PS3.2 Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents.
4.PS3.4 Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts energy from one form to another.
Essential Question: How can we measure waves? How is energy transferred from place to place by sound?
Monday- Pretest (in handout); Introduce Waves; Bill Nye on Waves, *Flashcards with partner
Tuesday- Introduce Sound Waves; types of sound waves; "Seeing" sound waves; Pass out experiment supplies and pair up with a partner, do the sound wave exploration and write down your observations. *Partner/Play Match- Try to beat each partner's score.
Wednesday- Watch Magic School Bus. Discuss sound waves. Partners can pair up and do flashcards or Match.
Thursday- Pass out pages 5-7 & pipe cleaners. Students work with a partner to explore, discuss, and create model of types of sound waves and label. Send flashcards home to study.
Friday- Make partners or small groups. Pass out pages 8-10 & activity 3 supplies. Collect. take Test. (in handout)
*Practice Each Day if time (Test Prep)- Sound Waves
Week 11
**Supplies: Handouts/Assessments/Experiments, and #1 Experiment- a piece of paper with an arrow (included in handout), glass, water (to pour), student page on refraction (included in handout) Sample Refraction Video; #2 Experiment- a jar, hot water, food coloring, student page on diffusion (included in handout); Sample Diffusion Video. #3 Experiment- two liter empty bottle with a hole in it, colored laser light, water, & student page on reflection (included in handout) Sample Reflection Video.
Student Objective: Students will develop a model to describe that light reflecting from objects and entering the eye allows objects to be seen.
Student Objective: Students will provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by light.
4.PS4.2 Develop a model to describe that light reflecting from objects and entering the eye allows objects to be seen.
4.PS3.2 Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents.
4.PS3.4 Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts energy from one form to another.
Essential Question: How does light enter the eye and allow object to be seen? How is light energy transferred?
Monday- Introduce Light Waves and Bill Nye Light and Color. Start a close read on "Science of Light".
Tuesday- Play Magic School Bus Gets a Bright Idea. Do a close read on "Light Spectrum"; Do the Refraction Experiment together p. 2.
Wednesday- Do a close read on "Behavior of Light as a Wave"; Do the Diffusion Experiment together p. 3.
Thursday- Do a close read on "Lenses and Light"; Do the Reflection Experiment together p. 4.
Friday- Explore Optical Illusions with a partner. Create a model to demonstrate how objects are seen. p. 6 & 7. Students can practice in partners or groups explaining their models. If time, students can present to class.
Week 12
**Supplies: Transfer Information Handout & Build a Hidden Alarm Experiment & Morse Code Chart. 1 AA battery for each student, 1–2 feet of electrical wire for each student, 1 buzzer for each student (wires attached preferred), Tape (duct or masking), Thin cardboard (Also called chipboard; you can use cereal boxes, too.), Tin—foil, Scissors, Wire strippers (students can share)
Student Objective: Students will be able to generate and compare multiple solutions that use patterns to transfer information.
4.PS4.3 Generate and compare multiple solutions that use patterns to transfer information.
Essential Question: How can you use patterns to transfer information?
Monday- Students will research ways to use patterns to transfer information. Students will gather back and share findings. Go to the informational reading and read together to help students explain data transfer.
Tuesday- Watch Magic School Bus Gets Programmed. Students will watch and discuss video. Pass out the "Morse Code Chart" p. 1 for each student. Students will use the key and solve the Morse Code given.
Wednesday- Handouts pgs. 2-4 1) Read Communication Story for Morse Code together and discuss. 2) Students will get into partners or groups and do the "Morse Code Worksheet" together. Each student designs a code that is no more than 5 words in each box. Exchange and solve your partner's code.
Thursday- Using the "Morse Code Chart" (pg. 1), students will take turns sending messages to each other. Then, they will change partners and create new messages.
Friday- Science Project. Build a hidden alarm. (pgs. 5 & 6) Will need supplies listed above. Using the "Morse Code Chart" (p. 1) students will take turns sending messages to each other.
*Practice Tuesday-Thursday, if time- Morse Code Game
Week 13
Supplies: Heat transfer Activity Handout, supplies to make posters (poster board/butcher paper, markers/colored pencils/crayons), popcorn (air popper, microwave, or stove top method)
Student Objective: Students will provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by heat.
4.PS3.2 Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by heat,
Essential Question: How can you demonstrate heat being transferred? What are the three ways that heat is transferred?
Monday- Pass out the Heat transfer! (page 1) Tell the students to look for connections between the information and the heat transfer video. Show video. Discuss and share connections. If time, explore heat energy.
Tuesday- Have the students get out page 1 and look over convection while watching Magic School Bus The Arctic. Discuss connections between the video and what they've learned about convection, so far.
Wednesday- Give out pages 2 and 3 of the handout and the students can research the answers online. For the scavenger hunt, give students a time limit. If time, explore heat energy.
Thursday- Students can use their activity pages for ideas to make a posters to demonstrate heat transfer. The directions, 1st prototype page, and rubric for the poster are pages 4-6. Do student presentations of posters or a gallery walk when the posters are finished. Those that finish early can explore heat energy.
Friday- Show online slide show about making popcorn presentation using convection, radiation, and conduction. Select a method and make popcorn with the class. Ask students which method we used to make popcorn. If time, let the students explore heat transfer online game.
Week 14
Supplies- Electric Current Handouts (playdoh recipes are on p. 4), Experiment-conductive playdoh, insulating playdoh, a battery pack, batteries, light emitting diodes/LEDS, Quizlet Circuit Terms
Student Objective: Students will be able to identify open and closed circuits. Students will create a prototype of a closed circuit, revise, and create an improved prototype. Students will discover good conduits by exploring conductive and insulating dough. Students will create a model of a simple circuit.
4.PS3.2 Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by electric currents.
Essential Question- How can you identify closed and open circuits? How is energy transferred by electric currents?
Teacher Prep Short Videos: Sample videos for squishy circuits. Video 1, video 2, video 3
Monday- Watch Magic School Bus Gets Charged and do video guide. page 1 Learn about electric currents with a partner. electric circuits, how electric circuits work, and circuits. (Advanced Simulator for hands-on challenging.)
Tuesday- Watch series and parallel circuit video. Work with a partner doing simple circuit flashcards, then Match.
Wednesday- Explore and design a simple circuit experiment that will transfer electric currents. pages 2 & 3
Thursday- Practice Circuit Circus flashcards and Match with a partner. If time, explore the electric circuit games.
Friday- Pick two to three teams to play Circuit Circus! Jeopardy
Week 15
**Supplies: Defeat the Sorcerer Handouts; Chart paper, post-its, tape. (or markers) Experiment- Each group in your class needs 1) 2 marbles (one small and one large), 2) a ruler with a groove down the middle, a Styrofoam cup, 3) tape, 4) a meter stick or measuring tape, and 4) the paper sorcerer.
Student Objective: Students will be able to use evidence to construct an explanation relating the speed of an object to the energy of that object. Students will ask questions and predict outcomes about changes in energy that occur when objects collide, Students will work collaboratively to apply scientific ideas and to devise plans that help with real world solutions.
4.PS3.1 Use evidence to construct an explanation relating the speed of an object to the energy of that object.
4.PS3.3 Ask questions and predict outcomes about the changes in energy that occur when objects collide.
4.PS3.4 Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts energy from one form to another.
Essential Question: How does the speed of an object relate to the energy of the object? What can we design, using our scientific data to thwart the evil sorcerer?
Monday- Introduce energy; Magic School Bus Gets Energized; Make a chart brainstorming "noticings" and "wonderings" about energy. (sample)
Tuesday-Start the "Defeat the Sorcerer" Activity. pages 1-6. Discuss findings/encourage connections.
Wednesday-Students will do "Story Ending". pages 7-8. Students will finish end of story using their new knowledge. Students that finish early can create a roller coaster track online. When everyone is finished, make a circle and share stories.
Thursday- Break into groups and come up with a final solutions to defeating the sorcerer. page 9.
Friday-Students will complete exit tickets. page 10. Extra practice-motion online games
Week 16
Supplies: Constructing Roller Coaster Handouts; Experiment-Each group needs a 6 foot ½ inch pipe insulation foam tube, Marble, Plastic cup, Masking tape, Pencil, crayons, and/or markers., Quizlet Gravity Terms
Student Objective: Students will apply science ideas to design, test, and redesign a roller coaster that converts potential energy into kinetic energy.
4.PS3.1 Use evidence to construct an explanation relating the speed of an object to the energy of that object.
4.PS3.3 Ask questions and predict outcomes about the changes in energy that occur when objects collide.
4.PS3.4 Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts energy from one form to another.
Essential Question: How can we improve a roller coaster design? How does a roller coaster convert potential energy into kinetic energy?
Monday- Show Magic School Bus Gravity. Work on flashcards and Match with a buddy.
Tuesday- Watch roller coaster video 1 and roller coaster video 2. Design a roller coaster. pages 1-2.
Wednesday- Construct and design a roller coaster & do self-evaluation. pages 3-4.
Thursday- Design 3rd and 4th prototype, improve roller coaster construction, and self-evaluation. pages 5-8.
Friday- Do the Exit Ticket pages. 9-11 from the packet and turn in. Play Match if extra time.
Week 17
Supplies: Animal Adaptation Exploration Handouts & Plant Adaptation Handouts,. Poster boards, markers, pencils. Quizlet Adaptation Terms.
Student Objective: Students will be able to describe internal and external structures that help their species survive.
4.LS1.1 Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.
Essential Questions: What are some ways that plants adapt and survive? What are some ways that animals adapt and survive?
Monday- Watch Magic School Bus All Dried Up; Watch Animal Adaptation Video; Watch Camouflage Video; Start Adaptation Exploration Handouts. pages 1-10. Explain that students will do research, (<--click for safe link) fill out descriptions, and create or print pictures from online. Tape or glue the pictures onto the page. .
Tuesday- Finish working on Adaptation Exploration Handouts. p. 1-10 Due.
Wednesday- Play Adaptation Jeopardy
Thursday- Watch Introduction to Plant Adaptation Video; Watch Plant Adaptation Video; Plant Video; Start "Student Discovery Lesson #1/Activity 1. (page 1-teacher's page; page 2-read together; pages 3-6-each group will get a different page to research)
Friday- Ask the students what they learned about plant adaptation to activate prior knowledge. Do Student Discovery Lesson #2/Activity 2. (page 7-teacher's page, pages 8-9 research and prototype) Create Group Poster.
Written assessment on Monday.
*Practice Adaptation Match and Structural or Behavioral Match Adaptation throughout the week.
Week 18
Supplies: Adaptation Assessment (from last week) & Animal Senses Handouts
Student Objective: Students will create a model to describe that animals receive different types of information through their senses, process the information, and respond in different ways.
Note: Monday finish 4.L.S.1.1-Assessment- Tuesday-Thursday 4.L.S.1.2
4.LS1.2 Use a model to describe that animals receive different types of information through their senses, process the information in their brain, and respond to the information in different ways.
Essential Question: How do animals use their senses to process information and shape their response?
Monday- Students will describe how internal and external structures help their species survive. Animal and Plant essay assessment pages 10 & 11; Play Animal adaptation online games.
Tuesday-Watch animal senses video. Pass out activity 1 (page 1) to take notes while watching part 1 and part 2 to learn about animal senses. Collect.
Wednesday- Go over animal senses presentation. Let students explore "Amazing Animal Senses" with a partner.
Thursday- With a partner, do the Animal Senses activity 2. pages 2 & 3. Explore the animal games online.
Friday- Assessment page 6. Show students a sample of what you are looking for. (page 7) They will design a model of an animal of their choice to label. Demonstrate understanding of the animal's senses. Students may use computers to research their animals.
Teaching Tips for Using These Lessons
1st Note: There are "Quizlet" practices set up at the end of many of the weeks. They include Flashcards, Printable flashcards, Scatter, Race, and Test. For the Test Practice I recommend unchecking the "written" option. It is hard for students to phrase answers exactly. You have the option of printing the test as well. The flashcards on Quizlet may be printed and sent home to study on Mondays.
2nd Note: There are many opportunities to teach Reading Informational Goals during reading portions of these units. One of my favorite ways is to use "Thieves". Another favorite strategy is to do a close read. I make a chart and label "I notice" and "I wonder" on it. Then I have the students select two things that they noticed to write on two separate post its. They write one thing they wonder on another post it. Then, they place them on the chart in the correct section. I have the students come up and read what they wrote when everyone is finished so that we can learn from each other.
3rd Note: The essential question is based on the Next Generation Science Standard. If you post the essential question in the room and ask it over and over again through the week, then you'll be hitting the NGSS hard.
4th Note: I probably don't have to say feel free to improvise. I know you will. Another thing that I do is I'll put a chart paper in the room and have the students add ideas to it as we go. ie If I ask the essential question and I don't get much response, I'll say to add it to the chart if you think of one as we go.